Being accused of insurance fraud is a serious offense. Regardless of the circumstances, your reputation is on the line. In this case, State Farm was alleged to have defrauded the United States government by avoiding the payment of storm claims under homeowners’ insurance policies. State Farm was said to have improperly shifted the burden for
insurance fraud
Homeowners Insurance Protects Against Fire Losses According To Allstate Insurance Company
By Steven V. Buckman on
Posted in Fire Loss, Homeowners' Insurance
Insurance is intended to protect the insurance company customer (“insured”) from fire damage. The policy holder pays the premium for fire insurance. If the property catches fire, the insurance pays for the losses. Obviously, the customer cannot commit arson. Intentionally burning your house or property is a crime. It is also illegal to present a…
Bubba’s Jury Trial; Day 2
By Steven V. Buckman on
Posted in Bubba on Oklahoma Law
Some Oklahoma lawyers will tell that Opening Statements are the most important part of the case. They claim by the end that the jurors have already made up their mind. Maybe? In my experience, jurors try really hard and listen to the evidence. The statements of the lawyers are not evidence and jurors understand the…