It’s crucial to consult with an Oklahoma lawyer with experience in bad faith law in the initial stages of your claim. Oklahoma uses bad faith lawsuits to protect its citizens from inappropriate claim practices. Bad faith lawsuits are the tool used by the courts to correct unfairness. As the first sign your claim appears headed
Oklahoma bad faith attorney
Court Approves The Denial of a Homeowners Claim For Failure To Cooperate With The Insurance Company During The Investigation
There must be a good reason for the denial of a homeowners claim. The decision to deny coverage is complicated. It may sound simple, but it isn’t.
In Oklahoma, you really need an attorney involved before denial. Not just any attorney, but one familiar with Oklahoma law. There is a balance the courts strike in…
State Farm Loses Appeal That It Engaged In Fraud At U.S. Supreme Court
Being accused of insurance fraud is a serious offense. Regardless of the circumstances, your reputation is on the line. In this case, State Farm was alleged to have defrauded the United States government by avoiding the payment of storm claims under homeowners’ insurance policies. State Farm was said to have improperly shifted the burden for…
Bubba Decides To Sue His Insurance Company For Bad Faith Under Oklahoma Law
Last Tuesday, Bubba came to the office to discuss ” his litigatin’ strategy “. Always nice to have some professional help when you are in a lawsuit, huh! Well, Bubba and a few of his buddies had spent the evening before with two cases of beer and their cell phones. One thing about these boys,…