An Examination Under Oath is a tool available to property insurers in adjusting Oklahoma insurance claims. The more typical term is the acronym (sometimes called “EUO”). Like many industries, insurance adjusters need to be able to communicate quickly. Just try saying “examination under oath” three times really fast while gulping some hot coffee and see


Chimney fires are deadly and devastating to Oklahomans.

Every year fires take lives, homes, and businesses. The cost to the insurance industry is huge because insurance covers most types of fires.

One exception are fires that are intentionally set. Arson is a crime and no insurance policy will cover destroying property deliberately. Therefore, the cause


Insurance claims can be expected from apartment building fires. When an apartment complex is faced with a fire, the consequences can be severe. The damages affect the tenants in the units, the complex owner, the property manager, and the insurance companies that provide coverage for the fire damage.

In a recent fire in Tulsa,


Examinations under oath, "EUO’s", serve a purpose different from a deposition.  An insurance company is regularly asked to make a decision about payment or denial of a loss involving a sizeable sum of money without any ability to subpoena witnesses to testify.  Most policies provide for the taking of sworn testimony. 

Like Attorney Parks Chastain

A statute of repose as well as a statute of limitation is a legislative means of ending or terminating the time in which a lawsuit may be brought.  "In practical terms, a statute of repose marks the outer time boundary for judicial enforcement of a substantive right whereas a statute of limitation interposes itself only